City Club Fort Worth Wedding- Amy and David

city club fort worth wedding

Amy and David’s City Club Fort Worth Wedding was amazing!! I love how many traditions were present throughout the day’s events. Amy and David were happy to show their Texas roots by wearing beautiful cowboy boots. Amy’s were a rich brown with her new monogram engraved on them. David wore black boots. I love how David’s heritage was a part of the wedding. The ceremony itself was an incredible and unique mix of Western and Persian influences. The traditional Western parts made-up the bulk of the ceremony and the Persian element was also present with the Sofreye Aghd. A low table was set up in beautiful detail with mirrors, candlesticks, flatbread, decorated eggs, a bowl of crystalized sugar, gold coins, fruit, spices, flowers and rosewater. In the middle of the ceremony, Amy and David sat in front of the table while family members placed a canopy above them. The groom’s mother read and gave them blessings. It was a wonderful experience seeing these two influences put together to make Amy and David’s day unique to them. I absolutely love those details that make a couple’s day special for them and sets the stage for their life together going forward. The DJ played a mix of Persian songs and top 100. The guests were totally ready to party at the event! It was a great evening and I’m so excited for this sweet couple!