Downtown Dallas Hickory Street Annex Bridal Session | Brittany

October 21, 2019

Hickory Street Annex

The Hickory Street Annex came to mind when Brittany said that she didn’t really know where to photograph her bridals, but that she knew she wanted a city and industrial feel to the session. That is exactly what this venue makes me think of! All of the exposed brick, pipes, and the fact it is in the hustle and bustle of Downtown Dallas. We had such a fun afternoon playing there! Brittany is such a unique and precious individual, so I am thrilled we had the opportunity to help that shine. She told me she bought her dress from Dillard’s and that they didn’t have to make any alterations – talk about a bargain!! It suits her so well and allows her bubbly personality to show. Lip Service Make Up once again outdid themselves by making Brittany feel so special and beautiful! Excited to share with you all the blog post from their wedding day soon! Until then, lots of love, Hayle!!

Hickory Street Annex Bridal Session Colorful Wedding Shoes Hickory Street Annex Dallas Hickory Street Annex Venue Dallas Wedding Venues Hickory Street Annex Dallas Hickory Street Annex Bridals Hickory Street Annex Wedding Hickory Street Annex Dallas Venue Hickory Street Annex Venue Hickory Street Annex Hickory Street Annex Venue